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National Ordinance amending the Sanction National Ordinance concerning the manner in which sanction ordinances or sanction decrees of the European Union are implemented (Parliamentary Year 2013-2014-040)

This draft intends to in order to achieve as much as possible a uniform Kingdom policy, to amend the Sanction National Ordinance with regards to the manner in which sanctions imposed by the European Union are implemented, as well as the recovery of some technical defects.

State of Affairs


Central Committee

Public Meeting


Key Data


March 5, 2014


National Ordinance amending the Sanction National Ordinance concerning the manner in which sanction ordinances or sanction decrees of the European Union are implemented (Parliamentary Year 2013-2014-040)

Landsverordening tot wijziging van de Sanctielandsverordening inzake de wijze van implementatie van vastgestelde sanctieverordeningen of sanctiebesluiten van de Europese Unie (Zittingsjaar 2013-2014-040)


Minister of General Affairs

Entry into Force

AB 2014, 47