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National Ordinance to temporarily establish the National Program Reconstruction Agency, as well as to regulate the structure, composition, tasks and powers of the National Program Reconstruction Agency (Temporary National Ordinance National Program Reconstruction Agency) (Parliamentary Year 2017-2018-112)

This draft intends to establish a National Program Reconstruction Agency and to entrust it with the preparation, coordination, implementation and evaluation of projects funded from the Reconstruction Fund for Sint Maarten, as well as advising ministries or organizational departments on the identification and implementation of additional rehabilitation reconstruction and resilience projects, which can be funded from resources other than the reconstruction fund for Sint Maarten.

State of Affairs


Central Committee

Public Meeting


Key Data


June 13, 2018


National Ordinance  to temporarily establish the National Program Reconstruction Agency, as well as to regulate the structure, composition, tasks and powers of the National Program Reconstruction Agency (Temporary National Ordinance National Program Reconstruction Agency) (Parliamentary Year 2017-2018-112)

Landsverordening tot tijdelijke instelling van het Nationaal Programmabureau Wederopbouw, alsmede tot regeling van de inrichting, samenstelling, taken en bevoegdheden van het Nationaal Programmabureau Wederopbouw (Tijdelijke Landsverordening Nationaal Programmabureau Wederopbouw) (Zittingsjaar 2017-2018-112)


Minister of General Affairs

Entry into Force

AB 2018, 33