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National ordinance amending the National Ordinance on Pension for civil servants, amending the National Ordinance age limit civil servants, and repealing the Long-term Allowance regulation pensioners 1943 (National Ordinance revision pension civil servants) (Parliamentary Year 2018-2019-121)

This draft aims to increase the retirement age to 65 years and to change the unconditional indexation obligation into a conditional indexation obligation as it is necessary to secure the progress of the structure and payment of the pension of civil servants for the future and to reduce the premium pressure for the government. This draft also aims to amend the National Ordinance age limit civil servants and the Redundancy pay regulation for government officials, and the retraction of the Long-term Allowance regulation for Pensioners 1943.

State of Affairs


Central Committee

Public Meeting


Key Data


October 16, 2018


National ordinance amending the National Ordinance on Pension for civil servants, amending the National Ordinance age limit civil servants, and repealing the Long-term Allowance regulation pensioners 1943 (National Ordinance revision pension civil servants) (Parliamentary Year 2018-2019-121)

Landsverordening tot wijziging van de Pensioenlandsverordening overheidsdienaren, tot wijziging van de Landsverordening leeftijdsgrens ambtenaren, alsmede tot intrekking van de Duurtetoeslagregeling gepensioneerden 1943 (Landsverordening herziening pensioen overheidsdienaren) (Zittingsjaar 2018-2019-121)


Minister of General Affairs

Minister of Finance

Entry into Force